The Pomonan Magazine

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Black History Month: They're Trying to Kill Us Diet Poverty and Racism

This film examines how diet, disease, poverty, racism, and financial interests contribute to keeping people unhealthy. It poses the question: "Why do people of color in America experience higher rates of chronic diseases and mortality compared to white Americans?"

TTTKU features notable influencers from the fields of Hip Hop, medicine, sports, entertainment, policy, and politics weighing in on the singular most deadly threat to American society that mainstream media doesn't want to talk about.

“If we compare the amount of fast food restaurants to healthy in the city of Pomona, we understand there is an over saturation of unhealthy fast food. We also understand anything healthy is almost non existent in the city of Pomona.

The film They’re Trying to Kill Us is free for the month of February for Black History Month. This is a must see documentary for everyone! All information will put questions you may have or may have had into perspective regarding food and food insecurities within Black communities.”

Please watch and share with all your loved ones.

— Julian Lucas
Founder and Publisher

Published 2/8/2024 | 12:00 Am PST

They’re Trying to Kill Us
is a new groundbreaking documentary from Executive Producers seven-time NBA All-Star, Chris Paul and 7X Grammy winner, Billie Eilish. 

The film features notable influencers from the fields of Hip Hop, medicine, sports, entertainment, policy, and politics weighing in on the singular most deadly threat to American society that mainstream media doesn't want to talk about.

Julian Lucas, is a photographer, a purveyor of books, and writer, but mostly a photographer. Don’t ever ask him to take photos of events. Julian is also the owner and founder of Mirrored Society Book Shop, publisher of The Pomonan, founder of Book-Store, and founder of PPABF.