The Pomonan Magazine

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Embarrassment to every person living in Pomona.

Dear Editor,

The situation I describe is my opinion, and an embarrassment to every person living in Pomona.

Pomona has been destroyed by drugs for years. The police and the power structure ignored this dire situation to the point drug addicted zombies walk our main streets as they look for their next fix or sit in groups of three or four with needles in their necks or arms. All while the Pomona Police speed past them to the next Lions Club or Community meeting to receive a pat on their backs and and told they are doing a great job, (that’s a crime in itself.)

Whom do we have to thank for the most recent surge in drug addiction sweeping our streets, our Mayor Tim Sandoval who with the help of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) brought marijuana dispensaries to Pomona. They did not have the foresight to understand how bringing more drugs into a already drug ridden city would only make this out of hand situation a whole lot worse. One side note to this Mafia type move by Tim and his gang is that our fine Mayor now owns a home in Santa Barbara for his help in making Pomona the drug capital of LA County!

So when you’re going to Holt Ave to pick up your prescription at Walgreens. You have Mayor Sandoval to thank for addicts freely using crack and marijuana in front of the entrance to the store. You can choose to look the other way or you can choose to fight against Mr. Sandoval and his Mafia in the next election!
