The Pomonan Magazine

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Saddened and Simply Disgusted

Published on Thursday, September 28, 2023 | 12:00 am PST

Dear Editor, 

I’m am saddened and simply disgusted with the way the Pomona Housing Authority, The Pomona Water District and The City of Pomona has allowed the unjust, criminal and callous mistreatment of someone very close to me. 

The Housing Authority wrongfully terminated her benefits without just cause or evidence even when she had evidence to the contrary. They terminated her on the fast track based on a faulty report of non compliance and when she filed for appeal the. Housing authority conveniently “never received the appeal letter”. 

The water department cut her water off with cold and callous discrimination against a low income family never giving them the opportunity to make it right. Even when offered money and trying to enter into a payment plan she was denied. Which is a clear violation of the Water Protection Act of California

The city of Pomona allowed her landlord to wrongfully evict her. He evicted her for non payment when in fact she had paid the rent the entire time she lived there and can prove it with rent receipts. He never in good nature attempted to resolve before court or even answer the request to settle which is provided by the court. He filed in West Covina clearly in an attempt to skirt Pomona city ordinances which protect tenants against wrongful evictions and entitle them to relocation assistance. 

How can all these facets of the government fail a single mom of 5 children, who doesn’t just sit back and collect welfare, but works a full time job and tries to provide the best life for her children? The system has failed her and her children miserably. She is as we speak in a motel room with her 5 children after being forcefully removed from her residence by the sheriff while the landlord, along with the mayor Tim Sandoval and his cronies are all comfortable in their home. This is a travesty and it needs to be brought to light! What are we to do when the very people we put in place to help us decide that we are not worth helping. What do we do when landlords and utility directors act like god and operate with such impunity? WE  FIGHT!!!!!

Let our voices be heard and take action. 
