The Pomonan Magazine

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Voir - Robin Luevano

Robin Luevano

Robin Luevano

La Punte CA

Voir for me this word compartmentalized what I was trying to capture. I wanted to capture the way I perceived detail, both physically and emotionally. While the word can simply be translated to "see" or "view" it can also mean to regard or behold, in a wider use of the word it can be to imagine or conceive. 

I came to a realization that I gravitate toward non-traditional film endings. Happy endings were too open ended for me and I found more closure in an ending that provided the likelihood of "things don't always turn out how you want them to" . Like anyone else I found myself with a group of comfort films, but they all happened to follow this criteria.  And I had to wonder why I interpret films this way and why this preference provided that sense of escapism I could never glean from a traditional arch. So without rewatching any of these comfort films I decided to think about them. What came to mind was never character or plot but it was detail and even feeling that stayed etched in my memory. I wanted to highlight these details the way I remember them and based on memory alone.  It didn't feel right to simply recreate. Everyone interprets differently and the truth is the way I interpret film is the way but film is the way I interpret my surroundings; in detail, in snapshots.