The Pomonan Magazine Letters to the Editor


Why are they Letting Street Vendors Take Over Sidewalks?

Dear editor,

Why are they are letting street vendors take over are side walks they say the Spanish people are helping people on streets, no they’re not why can't they pop up a building and sell food from there. They have they’re own restaurant instead of crowding our sidewalks. My kids and us have to step out in the streets to walk around, what if blacks Chinese people Muslim and every other race took over the side walks, would that be ok? Pomona is looking like a town that's making people decide they don't want to live here Pomona use to be a place where it's ok to walk to the grocery store are clothing stores are take your kids for a walk, with one baby in the stroller now you can't it's so crowded you can't walk down the sidewalk anymore, and it's starting to get more crowded we're you can barely see the stores are the driveway s to pull in. When is Pomona going to stand up for other residents that been living in Pomona for so many years, please change this before Pomona turns into just a vendor street food town , taking away the beauty of Pomona the reason people come to move to Pomona, right now it's not Pomona it's like Spanish Mexico city, the view is like Mexican.

Sunnmer Hills

Vague Idea

Dear editor,

When I heard of the Pomonan, I had a vague idea of what exactly it was. Someone told me it was a newspaper and well needed, but it is far from that. The articles you publish are TRASH! Who do you think you are, Mr. Julian? Publishing an article about prostitution being a part of poverty??? It’s a choice you morons! On top of that have try to incorporate art as if you guys know anything about art!

I am so sick of you people and this “progressive” bullshit! The Pomonan should go away!


Embarrassment to every person living in Pomona.

Dear Editor,

The situation I describe is my opinion, and an embarrassment to every person living in Pomona.

Pomona has been destroyed by drugs for years. The police and the power structure ignored this dire situation to the point drug addicted zombies walk our main streets as they look for their next fix or sit in groups of three or four with needles in their necks or arms. All while the Pomona Police speed past them to the next Lions Club or Community meeting to receive a pat on their backs and and told they are doing a great job, (that’s a crime in itself.)

Whom do we have to thank for the most recent surge in drug addiction sweeping our streets, our Mayor Tim Sandoval who with the help of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) brought marijuana dispensaries to Pomona. They did not have the foresight to understand how bringing more drugs into a already drug ridden city would only make this out of hand situation a whole lot worse. One side note to this Mafia type move by Tim and his gang is that our fine Mayor now owns a home in Santa Barbara for his help in making Pomona the drug capital of LA County!

So when you’re going to Holt Ave to pick up your prescription at Walgreens. You have Mayor Sandoval to thank for addicts freely using crack and marijuana in front of the entrance to the store. You can choose to look the other way or you can choose to fight against Mr. Sandoval and his Mafia in the next election!


Saddened and Simply Disgusted

Published on Thursday, September 28, 2023 | 12:00 am PST

Dear Editor, 

I’m am saddened and simply disgusted with the way the Pomona Housing Authority, The Pomona Water District and The City of Pomona has allowed the unjust, criminal and callous mistreatment of someone very close to me. 

The Housing Authority wrongfully terminated her benefits without just cause or evidence even when she had evidence to the contrary. They terminated her on the fast track based on a faulty report of non compliance and when she filed for appeal the. Housing authority conveniently “never received the appeal letter”. 

The water department cut her water off with cold and callous discrimination against a low income family never giving them the opportunity to make it right. Even when offered money and trying to enter into a payment plan she was denied. Which is a clear violation of the Water Protection Act of California

The city of Pomona allowed her landlord to wrongfully evict her. He evicted her for non payment when in fact she had paid the rent the entire time she lived there and can prove it with rent receipts. He never in good nature attempted to resolve before court or even answer the request to settle which is provided by the court. He filed in West Covina clearly in an attempt to skirt Pomona city ordinances which protect tenants against wrongful evictions and entitle them to relocation assistance. 

How can all these facets of the government fail a single mom of 5 children, who doesn’t just sit back and collect welfare, but works a full time job and tries to provide the best life for her children? The system has failed her and her children miserably. She is as we speak in a motel room with her 5 children after being forcefully removed from her residence by the sheriff while the landlord, along with the mayor Tim Sandoval and his cronies are all comfortable in their home. This is a travesty and it needs to be brought to light! What are we to do when the very people we put in place to help us decide that we are not worth helping. What do we do when landlords and utility directors act like god and operate with such impunity? WE  FIGHT!!!!!

Let our voices be heard and take action. 


Artist Statement of Solidarity with Gente Organizada

Published Tuesday, August 29, 2023 | 7:48 Am PST

Dear editor,

I am reaching out to request the attached Open Letter, addressed to the Mayor of Pomona, could be published in the Pomonan. 

The letter urges the Mayor to rescind the citations and fines made against Gente Organizada, on the basis that art cannot exist in the absence of free speech. The city is weaponizing the city code to force the removal of the artwork displayed on their exterior, public-facing walls. 

Thank you,

Sign the petition here

The Pomonan would like to to hear what you think. Introducing Letters. Letters is a great way to voice your opinions without being attacked, harassed, or your social media account disabled or personally banned. We feel everyone voice matters and voices shouldn’t be censored.

Please send us your letter to our editors today!

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Disgusted with Lack of Support

Published on Friday, July 7, 2023 | 8:00 am PST

Dear editor,

I'm disgusted with the lack of support of the homeless community that they receive. I have just been witness to the misconduct my city employees and how horrible their efforts are when it comes to uplifting those who are struggling to stand on their feet. I want to talk to someone and expose the police and how they prey on the homeless community. Is there someone?

Also, let it be known, that they have officers that go to the social security parking and write tickets on those who are already struggling to make ends meet. I witnessed this in 2019 while waiting for a friend. These people can't pay their registration, then receives a ticket then get their cars impounded then can't afford any of the fees and have their homes and belongings taken from them. This is a racket the city is conducting. Sanders towing has the so-called "contract" in carrying out this racket. An individual had his car towed for expired tags the tow truck driver told him if he gave him 500.00 and signed the car over to him he would forget about the impounding fees and call it even. REALLY??? What a joke they want to help the homeless yet prey on them and keep them from getting any footing. There are a few cities in California that work with the homeless who have both parking tickets and registration issues and are financially unable to pay. Pomona clearly would rather stuff pockets and keep individuals on the street.

Thank you,

The Pomonan would like to to hear what you think. Introducing Letters. Letters is a great way to voice your opinions without being attacked, harassed, or your social media account disabled or personally banned. We feel everyone voice matters and voices shouldn’t be censored.

Please send us your letter to our editors today!

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Official Notice (Archived)

Published Thursday, September, 19 2019 | 8:45 am PST

To whom it may concern:

Your  has been causing a significant amount of controversial conversation on social media.  It was because of that ongoing conversation that your website was brought to my attention.

The purpose of this email is to formally and officially place you on notice that, to avoid further action and possible expense, you need to change the name of your website and electronic publication.

The reason for this notice is that your name is misleading and can be or is being easily confused with our name, La Nueva Voz (The New Voice), which, as you may be aware, is Pomona’s ONLY community newspaper.

In addition, La Nueva Voz is properly, formally, and legally registered with a City of Pomona business license, as is required by Municipal Ordinance, and is properly, formally, and legally registered with the County of Los Angeles with a fictitious business statement protecting our name.

Also, everything published in “La Nueva Voz” is protected by the United States Government under Federal Copyright Law - - including the name itself - - and violations of copyright law can easily result in significant fines, recoverable by and payable to our newspaper. 

Please cease and desist the use of your business name IMMEDIATELY to avoid possible further action! 

Renee Barbee
La Nueva Voz, Pomona’s ONLY community newspaper
VP of Advertising & Operations
Executive Board Member Pomona Chamber