Why are they Letting Street Vendors Take Over Sidewalks?
Dear editor,
Why are they are letting street vendors take over are side walks they say the Spanish people are helping people on streets, no they’re not why can't they pop up a building and sell food from there. They have they’re own restaurant instead of crowding our sidewalks. My kids and us have to step out in the streets to walk around, what if blacks Chinese people Muslim and every other race took over the side walks, would that be ok? Pomona is looking like a town that's making people decide they don't want to live here Pomona use to be a place where it's ok to walk to the grocery store are clothing stores are take your kids for a walk, with one baby in the stroller now you can't it's so crowded you can't walk down the sidewalk anymore, and it's starting to get more crowded we're you can barely see the stores are the driveway s to pull in. When is Pomona going to stand up for other residents that been living in Pomona for so many years, please change this before Pomona turns into just a vendor street food town , taking away the beauty of Pomona the reason people come to move to Pomona, right now it's not Pomona it's like Spanish Mexico city, the view is like Mexican.
Sunnmer Hills