The Pomonan Magazine The Opera


The Opera's visual and cultural wealth, as well as its long and complex history and classical standing as a high art form, serve as an illuminating metaphor for a collection of poems and stories. The publisher of The Pomonan, Julian Lucas, will offer a diverse range of poetry and storytellers including new and previously unknown poets and writers.

The Opera was created to highlight emerging and established poets and storytellers. We like both reading and publishing articles in English and Spanish. The Opera will make every attempt to publish the finest in each category on our platform. We are looking for distinctive, daring, and often over looked voices, as well as thought-provoking pieces that attempt to enlighten a reader's reality.

Submission Guidelines

NOTE: Please understand that all submissions under all submission categories must be previously unpublished. Any already published work will not be considered for publication with the The Opera.

We're looking for mind-blowing editorials that address current events and issues and attempt to develop perspectives based on objective analysis of events and opposing/contrary viewpoints.

We’re looking for interesting sequences of shorts or distinct stories in the 1,000 – 3000 words range. Regardless of length, we always hope to see dynamic, evocative, excellent literary fiction.

Flash Fiction
We’re looking for shorts under 1,000 words that we want to read again and again. We’re looking for work that is lively, vivid, that will leaves us wanting more.

Please submit 3-5 poems that will surprise, shock and make us say OMG what an excellent poem! We are open to form, free verse, prose poems, and experimental styles. Quality is our forte.

Non Fiction
Please submit an essay, memoir, or commentary told as compelling, focused, sustained narrative in a distinctive voice, rich with detail. Send 1000 - 3000 words or delight us with flash nonfiction that cat-burgles our expectations. Opinions and critiques are accepted with supporting documentation.

Please submit no more than 3 poems (single-spaced) or up to 5 pages of prose (double-spaced). Include bio notes for both the author and the translator. Your submission must be accompanied by 1. the original text and 2. A letter from the rights holder stating that you have permission to translate and publish the work in the United States. If you cannot provide #2, your work will not be accepted. We look forward to reading your submission.

Book Reviews
We welcome reviews of new and recent books of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and hybrid work, particularly those titles that have not received the critical attention they deserve. Please send completed drafts, no more than 1000 words, to The Opera