Group Exhibition

On View - ‘Time, Love and Gravity’ The Progress Gallery

‘Time, Love and Gravity’
On View through February 12, 2022
Opening Reception February 12 5 - 9p
The Progress Gallery

‘Time, ‘Love and Gravity’, an exhibition featuring the work of 22 artists and curated by Southern California artists Brandon Monk Munoz, Melinda Hagman, Michael Magoski & E.E. Jacks. This work explores a wide range of mediums, from painting to mixed media, film installation to neon, ceramic sculpture and large scale woodwork pieces. They were completed between the beginning of 2020 and 2022, a season of many questions and much introspection.

This exhibit is simply a momentary rest stop during our ongoing search for the timeless truths that connect us all.

We are born here on earth to die one day. The life we live in between is our art for others to interpret as we all add shape and form to the never ending narrative of Time, Love and Gravity.

Exhibition Statement here

Brandon Monk Munoz - Fine artist, woodworker, furniture builder, mentor, curator.
Melinda Hagman - Fine artist, painter, and curator.
Michael Magoski - Director of the Magoski Arts Colony, Fine Art Photographer, curator, writer and poet.
E.E. Jacks - Fine artist, painter, curator, juror, writer and poet.

Progress Gallery
The Progress Gallery is a non-profit art gallery in the Pomona Arts Colony, located in the basement of the 1931 Art Deco building that formerly housed the Progress Bulletin. The gallery features regional and collegiate level of emerging and established artists, and is available for use by colleges and qualified artists.

300 S. Thomas St.
Pomona, California
(415) 961-1855

Gallery Hours
Tuesday: 11am-5pm
Wednesday: 11am-5pm
Saturday: 5pm-9pm
Sunday: 11am-5pm