Movie Night: Dazed and Confused (1993)

By Julian Lucas
Published 03/17/2021 8:53Am PST

Last year the feature film, Dazed and Confused returned with screenings in conjunction with reunions. Hosted by Jack Black, Actors Matthew McConaughey and Parker Posey and director Richard Linklater participated in a "Dazed and Confused" reunions for the locally based theater chains across Austin Texas. 

In a 2021 statement director Richard Linklater said, “As founder and artistic director of the Austin Film Society, I know firsthand that community cinemas like ours are vital cultural spaces. It’s important for everyone to do their part to ensure that theaters can make it to the other side of this pandemic. We can’t come together as a community unless we have places to gather where we can share experiences, and cinemas are at the heart of that.

es, yes, yes, as many of you love to ask the infamous question, “What does this have to do with Pomona?” the response is, A LOT! The fact that community cinemas and cultural spaces are important and much needed, especially since the city of Pomona once had had such a thing many moons ago. Also, The Fox Theater will host the 90s stoner movie, Dazed and Confused tonight. Showing will begin at 9pm.