Who is Running for Public Office in the City of Pomona, So Far? — The Pomonan Magazine


Who is Running for Public Office in the City of Pomona, So Far?

The Pomonan
Published 11/22/2023 | 7:25 Am PST

Slowly but surely, the start of the race for public office is drawing near as 2023 draws to a close. We thought it would be vital for the public to know important information, so we shared the names of the candidates we were inquisitive about who was now running for city government.

There are six districts that comprise Pomona’s city council’s governing body. For the 2024 election year, districts one, four and six, including a mayoral seat is up for reelections. The names of those who have "pulled papers" to run for city council are listed below.


Tim Sandoval

Barton Culbertson

Veronica Cabrera

District 1

John Nolte

Eugenio Diaz

Luis Cano

John Mendoza

District 4

Elizabeth Ontiveros-Cole

Guillermo Gonzalez

Chara Swodeck


District 6

Lorraine Canales

Miranda Sheffield

Glenda Barillas

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