Los Angeles

LACDP Unanimously Adopts a Ceasefire (and Return of the Hostages) Resolution

Published 3/14/2024 | 7:55am PST

On Tuesday, March 12th, LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY, the second biggest democratic club in the country, voted unanimously to adopt a ceasefire resolution. The effort was the result of a collaborative effort between elected California Democratic delegates from all over the state and members of Democrats for Israel, a support organization for Israel:

Resolution calling for a humanitarian, permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas to pave the way for peace and new governance for the people of Gaza.

WHEREAS, on October 7, 2023, the worst terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas and other armed groups resulted in more than 200 hostages being taken captive, and deaths of 1,163 Israelis; and the ensuing Israeli military assault on Gaza has resulted in the deaths of a record number of civilians in modern history- more than 30,000 Gazans – including at least 11,500 children – in 125 days, over 300 medical workers and over 100 journalists, over 69,000 Gazans wounded, and over 7,000 missing under the rubble; and Palestinian civilians experiencing a humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportions in amputation, disease, malnourishment, starvation, shelter; and WHEREAS, All human life is precious, and the targeting of civilians is a violation of international humanitarian law, which we unequivocally condemn wherever it occurs and this includes the Israeli right-wing’s targeting and dehumanization of Palestinians and Hamas’ deliberate targeting of Jewish and foreign civilians, both with impunity, has pulled Israelis and Palestinians further apart from reaching a two state solution and put Palestinians in harm's way over and over again; and WHEREAS, more than 200 labor unions including SEIU International, Communication Workers of America, UAW, UE, American Postal Workers Union, Painters and Allied Trades, National Nurses United, and member organizations of the AFL-CIO, 34 congressional representatives, the World Health Organization, United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, His Holiness Pope Francis, 70 US cities, the San Francisco County Democratic Committee have called for a ceasefire and President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are actively working towards a ceasefire; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the LACDP joins the calls for, and urges our Democratic elected leaders to call for, a mutual permanent ceasefire to make way for Palestinians to build a new democratic future in governing Gaza without Hamas; life-saving humanitarian aid in Gaza; the release of all Israeli hostages taken by Hamas; ensure that all Palestinians that are held have a fast and fair trial and are released immediately if not convicted; end of Hamas’s rule in Gaza; work toward an Israeli government that supports self-determination; freedom and opportunities for the Palestinian people; and for Israelis and Palestinians to progress toward the implementation of a mutually negotiated durable peace based on a two state solution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the LA County Democratic Party is aware of the acts of violence, vandalism and intimidation against the Palestinian and Jewish diaspora in the United States, and condemns all antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian and anti-Israeli bigotry.

On January 22, the City of Pomona adopted a ceasefire resolution, citing Pomona’s long-standing commitment to, “advocating for compassion, peace, social justice, and fostering a mutual respect and understanding for all people, regardless of religion, race or nationality.”

On March 18, Pasadena’s City Council passed its ceasefire and return of the hostages resolution. Councilmember Jason Lyon said he considers a non-local issue to be within the council’s purview if it’s of demonstrable interest to a Pasadena constituency, in the best interest of the city, and representative of the city as a whole.

On February 27, the City of Claremont refused to consider a ceasefire resolution. Instead, the City Council voted to enact a resolution against any resolution that was not about local issues.

Pamela Casey Nagler, Pomona-born, is an independent scholar, currently conducting research on California’s indigenous people, focusing on the Spanish, Russian, Mexican and US invasions between 1769 and the 1860s. The point of studying this history is to tell us how we got here from there. 


Interview by Lexis-Olivier Ray
Published August 31, 2022 6:00am PST

This article was produced by LA TACO, which is an award-winning publication that reports from Los Angeles on food and touches on the deeper elements around food such as social justice, representation, and immigration. The Pomonan is co-publishing this article.

L.A. TACO’s Lexis-Olivier Ray sat down for a conversation with Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón at L.A. TACO Studios the morning after a second attempt to force him into a recall election failed.

The 68-minute interview is now live on YouTube (and posted below) for you to watch what Gascón called his “most grueling interview yet” in a discussion that spans the deadly Windsor Hills car crash, the murder of Jacqueline Avant, the police shootings of Ryan Twyman and Andres Guardado, local recall efforts, the media, and, naturally, his favorite tacos, among many subjects.

Here are a just few of the many things we learned while speaking with Gascón:

  • He’s an L.A. TACO fan, telling Ray he reads a lot of the journalist’s own coverage.

  • He sees the costly and mendacious recall attempt as part of right-wing activists’ broader movement to deny and/or election results across the country. And doesn’t see it ending here.

  • After years as a high-ranking police officer and chief-of-police, he believes he has a strong ability to “generally tell good police from bad police” and also recognizes the fear caused by increasingly dangerous environments they’re working in, as well as the results of that fear.

  • Gascón says he expects his office will decide whether or not to charge the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies that killed Andres Guardado, more than two years ago, before the end of this year.

  • Gascón updated us on the case of Jermaine Petit case, the 39-year-old shot by LAPD officers in Leimert Park last month while holding an auto part that officers allegedly confused for a firearm. After the shooting, LAPD pursued weapons charges against Petit. And as of August 16, LAPD hadn’t presented a case to his office.

  • “It’s extremely difficult” to hold bad cops accountable and prosecute them within the current complex system despite ongoing efforts.

  • He can put down 15-20 tacos al pastor in one sitting (!).


  • Despite saying this was one of the most grueling Q & A’s he’s ever sat for, Gascón suggested we do an interview “every 90 days” going forward.

Lexis-Olivier Ray, is a staff investigative reporter on housing, justice and culture for L.A. TACO.

L.A. TACO is a platform for the city of Los Angeles. We are a source of news and information covering food, culture, and community in the metropolitan area. We are independently owned and operated, by L.A. and for L.A. In our mission, we aim to bring raw and street-level journalism from all corners of L.A. county to our loyal readers, supporters, and members, and partners who share our passion for
Los Angeles.