Big Trouble in Little Chino: California School Superintendent Tony Thurmond Removed by Chino School District President Sonja Shaw

Photography Courtesy Julian Lucas ©2023

By Julian Lucas
Published 7/24/2023 8:24 Am PST

Chino, CA— PRESS CONFERENCE - JULY 21, 2023 - California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Thurmond, outside of the Chino Valley Unified School District Boardroom prior to the CVUSD Board’s vote mandating that staff and teachers provide parents and caregivers of any changes in  their student’ gender identification.

On July 21, Superintendent Tony Thurmond addressed the CVUSD Board during his one minute time allotted during the public comment section of the meeting. He told them that he opposes the District’s proposal because he believes it  violates student rights for safety and privacy. Returning to his seat, CVUSD school board President Sonja Shaw began heckling him, at various times raising her voice and shouting. She began,

“Tony Thurmond, I appreciate you being here - tremendously - but here is the problem -we are here because of people like you. You are in Sacramento proposing things that (raises voice) PERVERT CHILDREN. You had a chance to come and talk to me, Tony. By all means - you had a chance to talk with me. Why was it so important for you to walk with my opponent? YOU are the very reason why we are in this.” 

At this point, Tony Thurmond returned to the  podium, saying, “May I have - as a Point of Order, as the Board President . . .”, but the CVUSD President interrupted him, shouting,  talking fast: “ No, this is not your meeting. You can have a seat. Because if I did that to you in Sacramento, you would not accept it. Please sit. . . You are not going to blackmail us. You have already sent us a blackmailing letter on previous . . . You will not bully us here in Chino! Please sit.”

It is against Robert’s Rules of Order for elected school officials to engage with public speakers in any substantive way during the public comment portion of the meeting.

Photography Courtesy Julian Lucas ©2023

Photography Courtesy Julian Lucas ©2023

Photography Courtesy Julian Lucas ©2023

After he was ‘forcibly removed’ from District chambers, Thurmond  held a press conference outside of the District  chambers where he fielded questions from reporters and members of the public. Reporters asked him about what happened during the meeting, three members of the public asked questions relating to their support of the opinions and actions of the CVUSD Board along with their support of  the recent opinions and actions of the Temecula Valley USD Board who recently voted to refuse to teach state-approved LGBTQ+ history lessons.

Photography Courtesy Julian Lucas ©2023

Superintendent Tony Thurmond addressing the public at his press conference: See transcript here

The CVUSD Board ended up voting 4-1 to approve a “parental notification” system that would require school officials to alert parents if a student requests to use “a name or pronoun other than those listed on the student’s birth certificate” or other official records, and to notify parents if their child requests to use bathrooms that “do not align with the gender stated” on their records.

Julian Lucas, is a photographer, a purveyor of books, and writer in training, but mostly a photographer, but don’t ever ask him to take photos of events. Julian is also the owner and founder of Mirrored Society Book Shop.

Abuse of Power, Lies and Videotape

It is well past time to call out the Pomona City Council for their egregious behavior during a City Council meeting nearly four months ago on February, 6, 2023.

By Julian Lucas

Published 06/06/2023 9:11 Am PST

Updated 06/06/2023
Last original paragraph retracted.

Pomona’s Mayor Tim Sandoval lost control of his meeting, and failed to stop his fellow Council Member, Robert S. Torres, son of Congresswoman Norma Torres and current candidate for the California State Assembly, from berating a member of the public from the dais.

The incident occurred during the beginning of the meeting on the agenda item listed vaguely as “ MAYOR / COUNCIL MEMBER COMMUNICATIONS. Reports on conferences, seminars, and regional meetings attended by Mayor and City Council and announcements of upcoming events, and also items for future City Council consideration as requested by Mayor or Members of the City Council.” 

No one in the public could have known from reading the agenda that this was the time that the Council would address two recent events within the last couple of weeks that involved the murder of three teens in the area: 

  1. On Saturday night, January 28th,  a 17-year-old Pomona boy and a man were killed in a shooting at a house party in Pomona. 

  2. A few nights later, on Thursday, February 2nd, a 15-year-old boy was killed in a shooting at Montclair Plaza. A second shooting victim was wounded. At least four people have been arrested as suspects in connection with the incident at Montclair Plaza shootings. The Montclair Police Department said detectives served search warrants in Pomona and arrested three suspects: two 20-year-old men and a 16-year-old boy.

Understandably, emotions ran high discussing these youth deaths and arrests in the recent weeks. Mayor Sandoval issued a call for “all community members to come together to bring forth change,” and Council Member Nora Garcia applauded several organizations in Pomona who have directed their efforts to helping teens - Gente Organizada among them. Even Council Member Torres, in the first part of his speech, spoke in favor of the organizations in the City who worked with teens and spoke of the need for the City Council to “engage the community” to do more to solve its problems.

However, after Torres announced that he had been instrumental in working with the City to secure a 4 million dollar federal grant for La Casita Teen Center at Palomares Park, he launched into what can only be characterized as a personal verbal attack on Jesus Sanchez, founder and former Executive Director of Gente Organizada, who now serves as the organization’s Economic Justice Director. 

In the past, Sanchez has been an outspoken critic of public officials who have used violent incidents such as the aforementioned as an opportunity to expand police presence. He has maintained that it is the wrong approach to the problem - insisting that the best allocation of resources are those that address the root of the problem. In the past few years, Gente Organizada has published several reports that have pointed out the inequities of arrests and incarcerations in the city. 

Sanchez had not yet spoken in this meeting, but Torres took exception to the fact that Sanchez shook his head at some of his comments. 

Torres’ diatribe against Sanchez began by warning members of the public that “we have individuals here who I call divisive individuals, who represent themselves, and they don’t represent this community. And the bottom line is each one of the City Council members here have been elected to represent this community whether you like it or not, Sir.”  Here, Torres began addressing Gente Organizada’s Jesus Sanchez directly, continuing: “And the sad part about it is this - we need more police presence - whether you like it or not. We need to hire more police on the street.” 

Torres’ comment about expanding police presence elicited a quiet rumble of dissent from the audience. 

Mayor Sandoval attempted to interrupt Torres, saying “Ro-, Ro-, Ro-,” but Torres continued: “the fact that you have a few officers patrolling the streets at one time is flat-out dangerous. And if you talk to the residents of Pomona . . . they want more investment in public safety. And . . . If you knock on that door, Jesus, (Here, Torres addresses Sanchez directly, while knocking 4 times on the dais)  and you tell them to defund the police . . . they will throw you out.”

This is the part of the meeting when Sanchez, from the audience, directed an expletive at Torres. It is easy to pin culpability on the person who is yelling and swearing in the audience, but upon examination, Sanchez was provoked. It is not the job of public officials to incite the audience in the way that Torres did.

From that time on, it became a cacophony of voices. Other members of the audience and City staff members chimed in.  At various junctures, Mayor Sandoval tried to address both Torres and Sanchez, by repeatedly calling them out by their first names. Sandoval also called out several times to Police Chief Ellis. 

From the audience, Sanchez yelled that he was angry that Council Member Torres took the topic of the teen deaths only to turn it around and make it about him. Sanchez said, “that’s the message here tonight. All of you haven’t done shit. And the kids are fucking dying.” 

The Mayor’s response was: “I want him removed,” and called for the Police Chief to do so.

Both staff and the Mayor called for a break, but even after the Mayor stood to leave the dais in order to walk toward the audience, and even while he was walking behind Council Member Torres and some of the other Council Members, Torres continued to taunt Sanchez: “Dude [he said to Jesus Sanchez] . . . Don’t be flipping people off. Don’t represent yourself like that. And, if you are the type of person who likes to dish it out, try to be the type of person that can take it.” 

It’s been reported that after speaking with the Pomona Chief of Police Ellis, Jesus Sanchez removed himself from Council chambers. 

When Gente Organizada’s Jesus Sanchez was escorted out, Mayor Sandoval told the remaining members of the organization that they should ‘keep him in check since he represents all of you”. When they replied that Council Member Torres represents the entire Pomona City Council and the Mayor should ‘keep his own Council Members in check, the Mayor disagreed and said that Council Member Torres “represents himself.” The double standard was definitely in play that night at the Council meeting.

On the original videotape, Torres’ last comment to Sanchez is audible, but shortly after, the videotape is muted for the next 7 minutes or so. During this time, the Mayor is seen on screen, speaking to several individuals including staff and security officers, at least one member in the audience, along with several other Council Members.

However, the official ‘scrubbed’ version of the videotape, does not include Torres’ last comments to Jesus, nor does it show the muted film footage of all that ensued during the break. 

While there are no laws that require the City to show the full tape, it appears shady when the city’s original tape was specifically edited for public review. This raises the question of transparency. How can city council members including the mayor campaign and include transparency as a core value, but take time to edit something so minuscule as a city council meeting not being butterflies and unicorns as they often imply.

In addition, while it appears no laws were broken, a public meeting where the Mayor allows a member of the Council to single out, target and slander one member of the public reflects poorly on the entire City Council. It is the job of the Mayor to keep the individual members of the Council in check. At times during the meeting, the Mayor did try to interrupt Council Member Torres, but Torres disregarded him. This should be addressed. There is a risk here that this kind of action could become the norm, with any Council Member choosing to ignore the Chair. In this case chaos, rather than order, would rule. 

The Mayor needs to reaffirm his role to the Council as Chair, and the Council needs to reaffirm that they are a body dedicated to representing and making decisions on behalf of the public - rather than attacking them. 

The kind of behavior, exhibited on February 6th, could very well have had a chilling effect on public participation. No member of the public wants to feel like they could be potentially singled out and publicly ridiculed as a consequence for their attendance at a public meeting.

The appropriate remedy is for the Mayor to apologize to the public directly and schedule a meeting with the Council to discuss and adopt norms and protocols for public meetings. Currently, it does not appear that Pomona has anything on the books concerning such for its Council Members, other than referring to Robert’s Rules of Order. That said, there's an existing version of Robert's Rules  recommended by League of California Cities called Rosenberg's Rules of Order, which states that:

"The chair should always ensure that debate and discussion of an agenda item focuses on the item and the policy in question, not the  personalities of the members of the body. Debate on policy is healthy, debate on personalities is not. The chair has the right to cut off  discussion that is too personal, is too loud, or is too crude."

While this particular rule applies to the conduct between Council Members, it would seem like this rule would apply to the conduct between Council Members and the public as well.

No meeting should begin with elected officials taking jabs at people. It needs to be made very clear that Council Members should only speak directly to members of the public if they are seeking clarification on issues that the members of the public addressed in their comments during the time allotted for public participation. It is not the job of an elected official to berate, argue or debate the public from the dais. The job of an elected official to take on the role of active listener - it is not always easy, but officials were elected to respond to the public's concerns.

It is important that the Council determine clear requirements for agenda items that include more specificity - preventing abuse of the topic in the future. It’s very hard for the Mayor to call out ‘point of order’ when the topic has not been defined.

Ordinarily, cities and school districts begin meetings with recognition of typically positive things that are happening in the district. This sets a positive tone for the meeting. No one should be surprised about the topic. This means that the agenda should be specific enough so that members of the public can decide beforehand whether they want to speak on a topic.

Once the Council passes a set of protocols or norms, these should be posted so that the public can hold the Council accountable. The City of Pomona, though a fairly large City, lacks a newspaper that consistently reports on its Council meetings. In lieu of this kind of reporting, it is particularly necessary that the Council have systems in place to hold themselves accountable to the public who elected them in the first place.

The bottom line is politicians should not be attempting to catapult their careers over the deaths of two Black kids.

The Pomonan delayed writing about this incident out of respect for the families, friends and loved ones of the victims, and offers sincere condolences to all who have been adversely-affected by these deaths.

Download transcript of the Pomona City Council Member Robert Torres’ speech here

Julian Lucas, is a photographer, a purveyor of books, and writer in training, but mostly a photographer, but don’t ever ask him to take photos of events. Julian is also the owner and founder of Mirrored Society Book Shop.

Famed Author and Poet Luis Rodriguez Receives Certificate of Recognition by the City of Pomona

On April 8, 2023, the City of Pomona honored famed author, poet, memoirist, journalist, mentor, teacher and all around living legend Luis J. Rodriguez. The recognition was given for Mr. Rodriguez’s contributions to "the advancement of the poetic arts." The certificate was presented to Mr. Rodriguez by Mayor Tim Sandoval and Councilmember Norma Garcia at the Pomona Civic Center at the steps of the library. 

This public recognition was a result of collaborative efforts between Pomona’s newest Poet Laureate, Ceasar K. Avelar, and Pomona Library Manager, Anita Torres.

By Matt Sedillo

Courtesy of Matt Sedillo

Published 7:25 AM PST

Speaking on the impact of Luis Rodriguez, Mayor Tim Sandoval focused deeply on a personal history with the author. The Mayor spoke of Luis Rodriguez's commitment to the community at large and Pomona specifically mentioning several high schools Rodriguez had visited in recent years. Sandoval also touched upon formative study groups he had attended hosted by the late professor Trevor Campbell and the specific impact Luis Rodriguez had had on those meetings as they discussed the very nature of the economic system we live under, namely capitalism.

Poet Laureate of Pomona, Cesar Avelar also spoke. Caesar said of Rodriguez that, “Luis has this thing, but it’s our ancestor’s thing, it is in us.” Avelar spoke again not only to the grand artistic contributions of Luis Rodriguez but again touched upon his role as a mentor. Avelar met Rodriguez young in his writing career and as a new father. Avelar spoke not only to the advice Rodriguez had to offer in terms of writing but also of the example he provided in the life he has led.

Luis Rodriguez is the author of Always Running: Mi Vida Loca Gang Days in Los Angeles, the 2nd Poet Laureate of Los Angeles the cofounder of Tia Chucha’s Bookstore and Cultural Center, a teaching artist in the prisons, one of the few Los Angeles authors enshrined in Vroman’s Los Angeles author’s Walk of Fame. Rodriguez has received recognition the world over. Has spoken in prisons and campuses across the globe. Luis Rodriguez is by all accounts a great man, an iconic figure and an inspiration to the Chicano community.  

Always Running is a seminal classic which in many ways founded and defined a field of writing. It has sold hundreds of thousands copies. It has inspired a generation of authors who would not have otherwise been authors. The impact of that book and what it means particularly to criminalized youth in the Chicano community is unparalleled to this day. Yet when asked about what he considers his greatest contribution Luis will often refer to his work at Tia Chucha’s and his work in the prisons.

Courtesy of Matt Sedillo

Courtesy of Matt Sedillo

During Rodriguez’s speech he invited the audience to come to Tia Chucha’s and of the role he has played as a workshop leader to the incarcerated. He spoke of the transformation he had seen in others through the written word, a transformation he knows himself all too well, a transformation he is a living testament too.

“Sometimes you don’t have a choice. You’re born into terrible circumstances”, Rodriguez describes during his enlightening speech. But I tell them at a certain point you have a choice: am I going to curse the world. Or am I going to bless it.”  Luis Rodriguez has clearly chosen the latter and we are all the better for it.

Luis Rodriguez is a magnificent author and artist whose work will stand the test of time. He is a true pillar of the community who builds upon what was there and leaves the place fuller than found. Rodriguez is a great man, a great mentor, a great teacher, who has not only created his own legacy but has provided the tools and example for future generations to do the same.

On April 8th 2023, on the steps of the Library, there in the Civic Center, the City of Pomona honored the great Luis Rodriguez. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.  

Matt Sedillo has been described as the "best political poet in America" as well as "the poet laureate of the struggle" by academics, poets, and journalists alike. He has appeared on CSPAN and has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, among other publications.

5 Questions With Pomona's New Poet Laureate Ceasar Avelar

Photography Julian Lucas ©2023

By Matt Sedillo
Photography Julian Lucas
Published 3/14/2023 12:03 Am PST

Recently, I had the honor of sitting down with Ceasar Avelar, who became Pomona’s newest Poet Laureate at the beginning of the year for the city of Pomona.

Tell us about your commitment to what you call blue collar poetry?

When it comes to writing poetry, I write exclusively through the sociological lens of  a blue-collar worker. Writing from this perspective creates a singular form of writing, but this singular form creates a picture of how beautifully complex and juxtaposed proletariat life is. The way I practice this commitment is by invisoning poems using the factory and my identity as a  worker as my stage. A stage that extends itself when I leave and reappears whenever a poem presents itself; so I can bring  my blue-collar social status to the front of my expression. As the majority of the world knows, being a blue collar worker is complex. Not only do we make consumer products but also consume them. This relationship we have with society is extreme, yet normalized to the point where no one talks openly of what they do for a living unless it is to brag or compete. As workers I feel like our reality is based on our value in society, and if we are good enough to work our lives away, then we are more than good enough to contribute to a creative culture that continuously keeps pushing us out.

Who have been some of your mentors in the past?

My parents are my greatest mentors. My parents are Central American. My Mom is from Honduras and My Dad is from El Salvador. They both came during different times in their lives, but for the most part the push factor that brought them both here was poverty. When The United Fruit Company left Honduras, my Mother had to find work, and her best option was to come to the United States for a better opportunity. During this process she had to leave my older Sister and older Brother behind. My Father came two years before the Civil War began in his country, already experiencing the violence and political turmoil that comes from a divided country. Other mentors that have helped me in my writing are Luis J. Rodriguez, Matt Sedillo, William A. Gonzalez, and Jason “Raize” Gamble. Knowing them and speaking to them, has given me the confidence to walk through uncertain territory when writing. They have taught me to allow myself the freedom to try new things and never stop being a student to  the craft of writing.

Tell us about Obsidian Tongues?

Obsidian Tongues Open Mic was founded by me in 2017. It goes down every second Saturday of the month at Cafe Con Libros Press in the Arts Colony in Pomona, CA. It goes on the same night as the Pomona Art Walk on Second Street.There's always a strong creative energy at Obsidian Tongues. We will soon reach our 6th year anniversary and  we don't plan on stopping. We just added a workshop to it; it’ll take place before the open mic starts in which a featured poet will lead us into writing. Obsidian Tongues’ purpose is to bring poets out to the community. So many folks in Pomona write poetry, so it is a must that we come together, the way the proletariat should. It's not only poets that come to Obsidian Tongues, we have great musicians that come, we have great storytellers, we have folks that come to interpret songs from Spanish to English, we have folks that come and tell us how they fought through their day. Obsidian Tongues is not only an open mic, it’s a community for the creative souls of the working class.

Photography Julian Lucas ©2023

Tell us more about your upcoming book?

My upcoming book is called God of the Air Hose. This book was mostly written inside the factory. Much of this book is about the interaction of workers inside the factory. The book touches on nationality, the division of labor, and the alienation caused by labor. I feel like most folks that talk about labor talk about the solidarity of workers, but in this book I talk about why solidarity is needed. As workers we are ridiculed, neglected and on a daily basis, disrespected to our faces and expected to be grateful for this treatment. God of the Air Hose is a book that talks about the fragmentation created amongst proletariats competing for space in the workplace, as well as the solidarity and friendships that are made along the way.

What does Pomona have to look forward to you with you as the new laureate?

As Poet Laureate you can expect more voices of working class poets to be heard in the City of Pomona. My vision is to collaborate with the library to bring workshops and readings from not only poets of color, but also poets that have the same vision of empowering the community through poetry. It is my goal to have social events that invite other Poet Laureates to share their work and journey in order to create bridges and resources for our hard working community of Pomona. There are so many poets and publishers that need to meet one another. There are so many important voices that must be heard; and as Poet Laureate part of my mission is to bring poets together with the intention of not only promoting poetry, but bringing opportunity to poets as well. Our community not only has talent, but also the heart of the working class people who need resources and opportunity to flourish as writers.

Matt Sedillo has been described as the "best political poet in America" as well as "the poet laureate of the struggle" by academics, poets, and journalists alike. He has appeared on CSPAN and has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, among other publications.

The Flawed Process

Who said what when.

A Timeline of Events - City of Pomona’s Call 4 Visual Art & the Advancement of Spectra Company’s Application to Install a Harriet Tubman Statue at Lincoln Park

By Julian Lucas
Published December 12, 2022 8:00 Am PST
Updated April 11, 2023 9:20 Am PST

Monday, December 12, 2022 the Cultural Arts Citizens Advisory Committee will meet at 4:30pm in Council Chambers to discuss agenda item, “Call 4 Visual Art Process Review Staff will facilitate a discussion at the Committee level on strategies to improve and update the Call for Visual Art process for the next round.” The public is invited to speak.

In anticipation of this discussion, The Pomonan is releasing a timeline of what happened with the application to install a Harriet Tubman statue in Lincoln Park in the last Call for Visual Art cycle, the involvement of public elected and appointed officials and the lack of opportunity for the public to engage. 

March 15, 2022

The City of Pomona launched a Call 4 Visual Art application process soliciting applications from visual artists and non-profit organizations for proposed ideas for public art citywide in previously- approved locations. "This call is for artists of all ages living anywhere and any non-profit organization located anywhere interested in public art in Pomona." The City stated that non-profit organizations may be required to supply additional information, such as a copy of Form 990 with an operating budget, and so forth. 

All applications were to be considered by the Cultural Arts Commission and its Citizens Advisory Committee. Applications were accepted between March 15 and 5PM, April 21, 2022. 

March 24, 2022

Perhaps this was the first announcement of an unveiling of the Harriet Tubman statue on July 4 at a Pomona public park. On March 24th an article appears in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin the city of Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval called Spectra Company’s founder and President Ray Adamyk’s efforts and the statue an opportunity for youth to learn about Tubman’s impact. 

“[Spectra Company’s CEO Ray]Adamyk also hopes to raise money for the church through Unity Day LA on July 4 . The 1.5-mile walk will start at Lincoln Park before ending at the Fairplex. A Tubman statue is expected to be unveiled at a city park to coincide with the event . . . 

Spectra Company is a for profit corporation, not a non-profit.

Sandoval said, “It's important to ‘have a statue of a person that represents what it was like to go through and endure slavery and not just endure but to fight back,’ Sandoval said by phone last week.” Daily Bulletin

April 21, 2022

Deadline for City of Pomona Visual Art Applications.

A few days prior to April 23, 2022 Mayor Tim Sandoval, Lincoln Park posted on the Nextdoor app with his personal, not official account:

“Please join me this Saturday, April 23, at 10 am at Lincoln Park to discuss the following items: city finances, Garey and Holt Avenue Rehabilitation projects, and a proposed statue at Lincoln Park. I will provide pastries and coffee. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 909 762 - 1982. Thanks!”

There were 61 responses on NextDoor
to Sandoval’s personal post. This raises questions about using social media as a site to conduct private serial meetings beyond the purview of the public. It also raises questions about conducting private meetings to build consensus between more than three members of any governing body without public input.

Historic Preservation Commissioner Ann Tomkins, appointed by Mayor Sandoval responded on Sandoval’s Nextdoor post just after Sandoval’s Lincoln Park meet-and-greet:  “Most of the discussion was about a proposed Harriet Tubman statue for Lincoln Park . . . The city is in the process of reviewing applications for art projects in many of the city parks and this proposed statue may be part of that process.”

Mayor Tim Sandoval commented at the City Council meeting on Sept. 22, 2022, that several City Council Members, Commissioners, Committee members, etc. were present at his meet-and-greet at Lincoln Park.
If more than 4 members of any of the voting bodies - including the Historic Preservation Commission, Park & Recreation Commission, Cultural Arts Commission, Cultural Arts Commission Cultural Art Commission Citizen Advisory Committee or the City Council - attended the meeting OR read the comments posted on social media it could very possibly mean a Brown Act violation. And if not a clear Brown Act violation, this meeting, since it was not public, certainly violates the intents and purposes of the Brown Act, which is to allow public access to public decision-making at every level of the decision-making process.

The use of a public park for a private event raises another issue entirely. The Pomonan is unaware if city permits need to be issued for private citizens to host events in Pomona's public parks - like the Mayor's private meet-and-greet OR non-profit or private fundraising events like the Unity Walk, but a person would think so. Or is anyone allowed to stage an event at a public park?  It raises the question - who can stage and advertise events at Pomona's public parks and what is the process? 

Therefore, Mayor Sandoval's meet and greet raises four major issues: 

1. The use of a personal social media account to arrange what looked like a public-sanctioned meeting, but was actually a private meeting.
2. The use of social media to discuss a public issue before it was ever on a public agenda.
3. The use of a private meeting to discuss a public issue before it was ever on a public agenda.
4. The use of a public park for a private event. 

May 9, 2022

ABC7 News – Unity Day LA Producer and Spectra Company President & Founder Ray Adamyk on Harriet Tubman’s Last Stop on Underground Railroad, 328 views

Time stamp: 1:24 - Mayor Tim Sandoval speaks.

Unity Day LA is the name Producer and Spectra Company President & Founder Ray Adamyk assigned to his promotional event at Lincoln Park and the Pomona Fairgrounds on July 4th to raise money to restore Salem Chapel British Methodist Episcopal Church in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. The event involved speakers, a march, boxing and entertainers and the unveiling of the Harriet Tubman statue at a Pomona public park.

The article was reprinted in California News :

“This was just one opportunity to potentially bring to one of our parks, a representation of the Harriet Tubman statue,” said Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval. “To have a conversation not about our past but to start looking at our future.

May 26, 2022

Cision PR WEB and Benzinga Published Press Release

"The dedication of the Harriet Tubman statue at Lincoln Park is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. on July 4, 2022, along with remarks from Adamyk, Dr. Alveda King, Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval, President of the Pomona Valley NAACP Jeanette Ellis-Royston, and Elizabeth Zamora, CEO of Bright Prospects. The park is located at 400 Lincoln Blvd. in Pomona, and anyone who wishes to attend the unveiling and participate in the Unity Walk is welcome." Cision PR WEB / Benzinga

June 7, 2022

Unity Day LA: Press Release Publishes Press Release, “Inaugural Unity Walk Set for July 4 in Pomona, California”

“The dedication of the Harriet Tubman statue at Lincoln Park is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on July 4, 2022, along with remarks from Adamyk, Dr. Alveda King, Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval and Elizabeth Zamora, CEO of Bright Prospects. The park is located at 400 Lincoln Blvd. in Pomona, and anyone who wishes to attend the unveiling and participate in the Unity Walk is welcome.” Unity Day LA / Spectra Company

June 16, 2022

City of Pomona Agenda, Park and Recreation Commission:

  1. Request from Applicant [Spectra Company] to Approve the Installation of Public Art at Lincoln Park. (See Staff Report)

This is the first time the Harriet Tubman Statue shows up on any City of Pomona agenda. Previous to this request, Lincoln Park was NOT on the list submitted as approved sites for public art, and none of the other 137 or so submissions were for Lincoln Park.

During this meeting, the City of Pomona’s Park and Recreation Commission voted to approve the Lincoln Park site for the Harriet Tubman sculpture. 

Based on this decision by the P & R Commission, on June 22, 2022, the Planning Division authorized a Minor Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of public art in the form of an 80” bronze figurative statue to be located at the center of the existing rose garden at Lincoln Park. This letter was addressed and sent to Ean Frank, Project manager of Spectra Company.

The decision by the P & R Commission and the City’s Planning Division occurred prior to the City of Pomona Cultural Arts Commission (CAC)’s & Cultural Arts Citizen Advisory Committee (CACAC)’s consideration of the 137 or so Call 4 Visual Art applications, including Spectra Company’s application for this Harriet Tubman statue. 

This is an instance where one application gained Commission approval and momentum prior to actual official approval of funding. Other applicants did not have the opportunity to submit an application for this unapproved site of Lincoln Park.

Just a few days before the scheduled Unity Day event on July 4, 2022, GOOD DAY LA airs a segment interviewing Ray Adamyk, President, Spectra Corporation about his Unity Day.

“Unity Day LA came up a few months ago working with Mayor Tim Sandoval, he came up with the idea to
have this sculpture in the center of Lincoln Park.” 

July 8, 2022

City Pride Magazine publishes, “Harriet Tubman Statue Unveiled in Pomona on Unity Day”

“The African American Museum of Beginnings, the NAACP, Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval, Unity Day organizer Ray Adamyk, and many others joined together for the unveiling of the Harriet Tubman statue on the grounds of Lincoln Park in Pomona Monday.” City Pride Magazine; July 8, 2022


An unpublicized date after the July 4th event, 2022 
National Sculpture Society News, NY, NY publishes “Manuelita Brown’s Harriet Tubman Unveiled”

 “On 4th of July Manuelita Brown’s Harriet Tubman was unveiled to the public in Pomona, CA. The unveiling happened at the Unity Day L.A. celebration and Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval as well as representatives from The African American Museum of Beginning and the NAACP were present for the activities.  After the unveiling, there was a half-mile walk for racial unity and community reconciliation which included all ethnicities, police, and the community walking together under the theme “There is a time to protest – There is a time to Unite.” Brown is a member of National Sculpture Society’s Southern California Sculpture Community.” National Sculpture Society

July 28, 2022

On July 28, 2022 La Nueva Voz, (The New Voice), a Bilingual (English/Spanish) Publication: Pomona’s only Community Newspaper publishes article entitled, “Statue of American abolitionist Harriet Tubman unveiled in Pomona’s Lincoln Park as ‘Unity Day’ activities unfold”

‘This in my view is the true embodiment of community,’ said Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval, referring to people of all ages and backgrounds. ‘This is what a city should be is people coming together to love, to maybe even debate and discuss, but that’s what a healthy democracy looks like.’ He added that the statue will remain for generations to come as people come to Pomona to see it and so I see this beautiful statue as an opportunity, one of many opportunities, for us to bring folks together, Sandoval said.

 ‘Art has a way of bringing people together,’ Sandoval said. ‘As you know we have real serious social and economic challenges in this country and there is no group that has been harder hit than Black Americans in this country. There is more work to be done not only here in Pomona but all over this country,’ he said.
‘We have to work together to come up with the solutions . . . and so I see this beautiful statue as an opportunity, one of many opportunities, for us to bring folks together,’ Sandoval said.” page 2. La Nueva Voice

(Unfortunately, we could not quote the Spanish portion of Sandoval’s statement, due to the article not containing the Spanish translation. In fact, La Nueva Voz has very limited or less than 5% of Spanish translations for most of its articles, as it claims to be a bilingual (English/Spanish) community newspaper in a city that is 75% Latinx including Spanish speaking families.)

August 8, 2022

The City of Pomona hold a joint meeting with the Cultural Arts Commission (CAC) & Cultural Arts Citizen Advisory Committee (CACAC), Joint Meeting. This is the first time that any of the City of Pomona’s Commissioners and Committee members had the opportunity to review the proposal for the Harriet Tubman statue along with some 136 other applications for the funding of public art across the city. Prior to the meeting on August 8th meeting, the City of Pomona’s Planning Department sent the Cultural Arts Commissioners & Cultural Arts Citizen Advisory Committee Members this Conflict of Interest Disclosure:
(See Staff Report, Page 10)

“For all individual Committee Members and Commissioners, please note:

In light of the high dollar amount before the Committee and Commissions, a friendly reminder to carefully review the full list of artists and organizations and to timely disclose to staff any financial affiliations or connections with any individuals or groups on the list, as this would constitute a direct conflict of interest.

Also, please consider any formal or informal interactions that you may have had with individuals or groups with art proposals being considered for funding and be sure you are able to make a fair and unbiased decision. 

Best practice dictates public disclosure of any interactions to avoid any appearance of bias. A conflict of interest arises when an individual’s personal interest or bias compromises his or her ability to act in accordance with professional or personal obligations. 

Please feel free to reach out to staff should you need any clarifications.”

On August 8, 2022, no one on either the Committee or Commission recused themselves in spite of the fact that some Commissioners and Committee members attended the Harriet Tubman event in Lincoln Park on July 4th, some advertised the event on social media, some were featured in the advertisements of the event, and some spoke at the event. Unity Day LA

Both the Committee and Commission voted not to fund the Harriet Tubman statue for the $158,000 based on questions of: 

  • Financial receivership: The application was originally submitted by Spectra Company, a private company, rather than a non-profit organization or individual artist. It was Ray Adamyk, President of Spectra Company who revealed during his public comments at this meeting that receivership should be changed to Village Pomona/PTowne, his non-profit. This non-profit lacked significant documentation of its non-profit status for the Commission and Committee to review at the time. It’s not clear whether or not the City of Pomona has received the appropriate documents from Village Pomona/PTowne to date. A google search for this non-profit has yielded little information. There is a PTowne website that advertises for tenants for the former YMCA building.


  •  The high cost of installation requested by Spectra Company a for profit company

  • Aesthetic valuing/selection of appropriate site

  •  Violations of City protocols - the advancement of one application over the 136 or so others submitted for Committee and Commission review.

The CACAC and the CAC voted not to fund Spectra Company. There are no minutes from that meeting.

September 19, 2022
City of Pomona City Council Meeting - Appeal Hearing

“7. Appeal of a Cultural Arts Commission Decision Denying the Award of Public Art Fund Dollars for Public Art (Sculpture) to be Installed at Lincoln Park 

It is recommended that the City Council adopt the following resolution: 


[time stamp, agenda item begins around 1:04:00

On Sept. 19th, Pomona’s City Council considered an appeal filed by appellant Ean Frank, Spectra Company’s Project manager for funding the Harriet Tubman statue. City Council overturned the CAC and CACAC’s decision not to fund, going against the staff recommendation by a vote of 5-2, amending the funding from the $118,000 requested to $42,250 for the maintenance and installation of the statue. The appeal doesn’t come from P-Towne Productions the alleged non-profit who resubmitted their application changing it from Spectra Company. The appeal comes from Spectra Company the private corporation.

Unfortunately, Spectra Company’s appeal formed much of the narrative of appeal. Since there were no minutes from the meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission and its Citizen Advisory Committee, the comments that carried over were mostly framed by the appellant, “Spectra Company”.

Petition submitted by Spectra Company

Mayor Sandoval and City Council Members Nolte, Preciado, Garcia,, Lustro, voted in favor. Vice Mayor Ontiveros-Cole and Council member Torres voted against. [time stamp, agenda item begins around 1:04:00]

Starting the discussion, Mayor Tim Sandoval revealed more about private meetings that took place prior to the CACAC and CAC meeting to approve or disapprove the funding for the project. Sandoval said the idea was born at a Christmas party that he attended hosted by Spectra Company in discussion with Spectra’s President & Founder Ray Adamyk.

Later, Sandoval said that he spoke with members of the AAAA (African American Advisory Alliance), a non-profit organization initiated by Sandoval as an outgrowth of conversations he began in June of 2020 with a few dozen Black advocates, educators, elders, faith-based leaders, and youth in the community. The ‘4As’ does not hold public meetings. Sandoval stated that he also met with members of the African American Museum of New Beginnings and with the Chair of the Cultural Arts Commission.

In addition, Sandoval stated that, prior to the funding & application review by the City’s Cultural Arts Commission and Cultural Arts Commission Citizen Advisory Committee - the Commission and Committee charged with that task of accepting the applications for public art and approving the funding - the application for the Harriet Tubman statue was reviewed by the Historic Preservation and the Park and Recreation Commissions as evidence that the statue had received a full Commission review process.

Sandoval’s statement was both false and misleading. After the application period for the City’s Call 4 Visual Arts applications, the City revealed that Spectra Company’s proposed site for the Harriet Tubman sculpture at Lincoln Park was NOT on the City’s approved site list generated on March 18, 2021. Therefore, the City got to work to approve Lincoln Park as a site for public art in anticipation of consideration of the Harriet Tubman statue. On May 4th, 2022 the Historic Preservation Commission determined that there was no need for a Certificate of Appropriateness to locate a sculpture at Lincoln Park, and on June 16th, the Parks & Recreation Commission also back-pedaled and approved Lincoln Park as a site for a statue. However, even though both Commissions approved the SITE for future public art, neither of the Commissions approved the Harriet Tubman sculpture to be placed there per se. That decision was beyond their jurisdiction.  That decision was reserved for the CAC and the CACCAC to vote on in a meeting scheduled for August.

Later in the meeting to consider Spectra Company’s appeal, Council Member Nolte cited Sandoval’s statement that two Commissions had voted approval of the Harriet Tubman statue as evidence of a comprehensive Commission review process, but Planning Department staff member Ata Khan corrected both Nolte and Sandoval, saying that the HPC and P & R C had never considered the Harriet Tubman statue in a public meeting. In spite of this correction, it did not change Council Member Nolte’s mind - he voted to approve of funding the Harriet Tubman statue.

This is problematic because none of the other applicants in the City's Call 4 Art knew that Lincoln Park could be considered as a site for public art until after the application deadline. The City of Pomona should not be in the business of limiting fair competition in its Call 4 Artists. An additional concern is that the City's application for public art called for the submission of conceptual proposals - indicating that the City wanted to work with applicants to develop artwork that was appropriate for the various already-approved sites. At the time of submission of the proposal for the Harriet Tubman statue, it was already complete and had already been bought and paid for by Spectra Company. 

Sandoval, in spite of his engagement with the media and his private meetings, including attending and speaking at the event itself prior to CAC and CACCAC review, declared that he did not “weigh in on'' the decision before any of the City Commissions or Committees. However, there is plenty of evidence otherwise.

During her comments, Vice Mayor Ontiveros-Cole revealed that prior to hearing the appeal, she had a private meeting with Ray Adamyk, President of Spectra’s Company to discuss the Harriet Tubman statue. 

This raises the question - how many private meetings were held prior to holding a public meeting? If 4 or more City Council members met privately, one on one, in a group, or serially to discuss this statue than they would be in violation of the Brown Act. The problem with serial meetings is compounded by the use of social media. Posting on social media can also be considered as part of a serial meeting.

Council Member Preciado, voicing his support for funding the Harriet Tubman sculpture and voicing his support for circumventing public process, stated, “Every time we hear about a fight for process . . . it always seems that process is used to obstruct things we want to get done.” Preciado was not specific as to who he considers “we” in his statement. (Time-stamp around 2:28:00)

Such a statement by Council member Preciado - along with other statements by the Mayor and Council Members - show an unhealthy disregard for the public, for public process and the public’s right to be involved in government decisions. It is important that government business be conducted in public, rather than as a series of secret, private meetings that the public has no access to. Elected officials are supposed to be responsive to the people of the community, rather than dictate what they think is ‘best.’

California’s Ralph M. Brown Act is one of California’s main laws written with the intention of regulating transparency and disclosure in government. Its intention is to provide public access to meetings of local government agencies. Codified as Government Code sections 54950-54963 in 1953, the Act reads in it preamble:

“The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.”

Prior to proper Committee and Commission review, City of Pomona elected and appointed officials granted particular attention to one of the 137 or so applications the City received in its Call 4 Visual Art applications.

Considering this one application, elected and appointed officials were involved in private meetings that may or may not have violated the Brown Act. They talked to and were quoted in the press and they posted on social media. Some participated in a much-advertised “unveiling” that the City permitted on public park land. These private meetings, media announcements and this well-advertised event on public land helped promote one application over the others, allowing the project to gain momentum long before the application was ever considered for public funding in a public meeting with public access. This heavy-handed and premature promotion of one application was unfair to the other 137 or so artist applications, but also to the public at large. Based on what transpired, it would not be unfair to say that public perception is now that public officials can use their status to fast-track projects they like.

In addition, though the Planning Department issued a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form prior to the meetings, some elected and appointed officials did not respond to the dictate to disclose “any formal or informal interactions that they may have had with individuals or groups with art proposals being considered for funding.”

The City of Pomona’s leaders, by failing to adhere to their own protocols to ensure accountability, accessibility and transparency, have eroded the public trust.

Editors' Update and Note (2/21/2022)

The application for the Harriet Tubman statue was originally submitted from Spectra Company, a for-profit corporation, though this is non-compliant with the City's Call 4 Artist application process requiring applicants be either artists or non-profit organizations. The City allowed this corporate designation to stand through the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting on June 16, and the City staff's issuance of the Minor Certification of Appropriateness on June 22, 2022.

It was only at the August 12th joint meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission and the Cultural Arts Commission Citizen Advisory Committee that staff substituted the name, The Village Partners/PTowne, as the name of the applicant. Presumably, The Village Partners/PTowne is the name of Spectra Company's non-profit, though the Pomonan has been unable to locate this name as a registered non-profit. However, PTowne is registered as an LLC. It is unknown whether or not staff required, at that time, for The Village Partners/PTowne to submit a Form 990, operating budget and other materials as suggested in the application requirements. On September 19, for the City Council meeting, the appellant was Spectra Company's Project Manager Ean Frank, rather than a representative of Spectra's non-profit. For its appeal, Spectra Company reverted back to its corporate appellation.

This raises the question:

Who is the City of Pomona making the $42,250 check to? The Company? The Non-Profit? or the LLC?

Commentary from an ex-Cultural Arts Citizens Advisory Committee Member

During the process of approving and funding the Harriet Tubman statue, much talk circulated about the desire to represent the Black perspective and educate the public - particularly children - about her legacy of abolition and the fight for racial justice.

The sculptor, Manuelita Brown, was quoted by ABC News: “Manuelita Brown [the artist] said she was inspired to sculpt Harriet Tubman knowing she was not only a soldier but also an abolitionist who fought for women's right to vote and for Black people's right to vote.”

Later, during September 2022’s City Council Appeal Hearing, Mayor Tim Sandoval stated that the installation of the Harriet Tubman statue on Lincoln Park was borne out of a desire to address issues that flared up over the police murder of George Floyd as well as private contractor Ray Adamyk’s desire for racial reconciliation. He said that the selection of its location at Lincoln Park was to include more than just Lincoln’s perspective on emancipating the slaves. 

In spite of these intentions, the quote selected for the statue’s base does not fully address these political concerns or Tubman’s desire to free her people, but rather centers on her belief in God to free herself: “God’s time is always near. He set the North Star in the Heavens. He gave me the strength in my limbs. He meant I should be free.”

Neither the Cultural Arts Commission nor the Cultural Arts Commission Citizen Advisory Committee were consulted on the choice of quote. The Pomonan considers it an opportunity diluted to educate people about slavery, abolition and emancipation.

A Commissioner or Committee member's job is a complex one. It’s not just about aesthetic valuing and site approval. We have to also consider historical context as well. In the end, the member needs to consider the proposed statue’s value to the community - aesthetic, educational, etc.

When Mayor Sandoval states that the statue was born out of the George Floyd Uprising of 2020, it has to be put in the context of Pomona’s own policing politics. According to a report published by Gente Organizada, from 2016-2020 Pomona PD arrested 251 juveniles 11-17 years of age, 27% of those were Black youth, while the Black community only accounted for 6% of the population in the city of Pomona. These figures are precisely why it is so important that the selection of a figure as important as Harriet Tubman is presented as fully as possible. She was an abolitionist and that is the message that should be brought forward - not just that she was an abolitionist, but it is important to inform the public about all that being an abolitionist means.

The artist, Manuelita Brown mentions how Harriet Tubman’s life inspired her, highlighting that Harriet Tubman was not only a soldier and a liberator, but also an abolitionist. 

After going through a plethora of quotes about her experience and how she defines slavery, the quote chosen was a strange whitewash of these facts. It raises the question - How do we really learn about Harriet Tubman by a single quote stating, “God's time is always near. He set the North Star in the heavens; He gave me the strength in my limbs; He meant I should be free.”?

Furthermore, with all the hoopla of the unveiling on the 4th of July, the City of Pomona should have taken a page from the famous lecturer, abolitionist, and former slave - and the Mayor’s first consideration for a statue in Lincoln Park - Fredrick Douglass who delivered the speech, What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? on the 5th of July 1852. His motivation to write such a speech was to address and respond to the hypocrisy of those who wanted to whitewash slavery.

Moreover, I find it interesting that the applicant Spectra Company’s founder Ray Adamyk while being interviewed by ABC news during the unveiling event stated “There is a time to protest, but there is a time to unite. United we stand divided we fall.'' (1:22) This was said in such a way to counter the ongoing protests that have been happening across the nation including those in front of Mayor Sandoval’s house in regards to police shootings of unarmed Black men. Furthermore, it is mind-boggling that Adamyk quoted from a statement made by founding father and slaver, John Dickinson, a federalist who opposed this country’s separation from Great Britain. Dickinson owned 37 slaves. Dickinson wrestled with his slave-ownership since he was a Quaker, and the Quakers in the Philadelphia area made it known that holding humans in captivity was unacceptable. It was strongly recommended that all Quakers set slaves free. It would appear that the Quakers’ protest’ worked. Dickinson, under pressure, freed his slave. So clearly, unity should not trump protest where protest is warranted.

I fear that the installation of the Harriet Tubman statue ends up being politics as usual. Political figures gain votes, a private businessman ameliorates his standing in the community, but the question remains, in the end, does the Harriet Tubman statue serve the educative value so many during the process suggested?


1. Who did the City of Pomona issue the check for the installation and maintenance of the Harriet Tubman statue for something like $42K? Did it go to the original applicant, Spectra Company, a private company as listed in the May - July City meetings and then listed again, in the City's appeal process in September? Or did it go to the non-profit, Village Partners, P-Towne which was changed for the combination CAC and CACCAC meeting in August?  Or did it go to a private individual, Spectra’s Company CEO Ray Adamyk? The Pomonan has been unable to locate Village Partners P-Towne as a non-profit operating out of Pomona.

2. What were the financial results of Ray Adamyk’s Unity Day LA's two fundraising events held at the City of Claremont’s Lincoln Park in July 2022 and March 2023, respectively? These events listed a church in Canada, the last stop on the Underground Railroad, as the recipient for the fund-raising effort. Has there been a report of how much money has been turned over to the church in Canada?

Julian Lucas
Ex-committee Member for Pomona Cultural Arts Citizens Advisory

Julian Lucas is a photographer, a purveyor of books and writer in training, but mostly a photographer. Julian is a Committee member for Pomona Cultural Arts Citizens Advisory Committee, but his comments are strictly his own.


Interview by Lexis-Olivier Ray
Published August 31, 2022 6:00am PST

This article was produced by LA TACO, which is an award-winning publication that reports from Los Angeles on food and touches on the deeper elements around food such as social justice, representation, and immigration. The Pomonan is co-publishing this article.

L.A. TACO’s Lexis-Olivier Ray sat down for a conversation with Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón at L.A. TACO Studios the morning after a second attempt to force him into a recall election failed.

The 68-minute interview is now live on YouTube (and posted below) for you to watch what Gascón called his “most grueling interview yet” in a discussion that spans the deadly Windsor Hills car crash, the murder of Jacqueline Avant, the police shootings of Ryan Twyman and Andres Guardado, local recall efforts, the media, and, naturally, his favorite tacos, among many subjects.

Here are a just few of the many things we learned while speaking with Gascón:

  • He’s an L.A. TACO fan, telling Ray he reads a lot of the journalist’s own coverage.

  • He sees the costly and mendacious recall attempt as part of right-wing activists’ broader movement to deny and/or election results across the country. And doesn’t see it ending here.

  • After years as a high-ranking police officer and chief-of-police, he believes he has a strong ability to “generally tell good police from bad police” and also recognizes the fear caused by increasingly dangerous environments they’re working in, as well as the results of that fear.

  • Gascón says he expects his office will decide whether or not to charge the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies that killed Andres Guardado, more than two years ago, before the end of this year.

  • Gascón updated us on the case of Jermaine Petit case, the 39-year-old shot by LAPD officers in Leimert Park last month while holding an auto part that officers allegedly confused for a firearm. After the shooting, LAPD pursued weapons charges against Petit. And as of August 16, LAPD hadn’t presented a case to his office.

  • “It’s extremely difficult” to hold bad cops accountable and prosecute them within the current complex system despite ongoing efforts.

  • He can put down 15-20 tacos al pastor in one sitting (!).


  • Despite saying this was one of the most grueling Q & A’s he’s ever sat for, Gascón suggested we do an interview “every 90 days” going forward.

Lexis-Olivier Ray, is a staff investigative reporter on housing, justice and culture for L.A. TACO.

L.A. TACO is a platform for the city of Los Angeles. We are a source of news and information covering food, culture, and community in the metropolitan area. We are independently owned and operated, by L.A. and for L.A. In our mission, we aim to bring raw and street-level journalism from all corners of L.A. county to our loyal readers, supporters, and members, and partners who share our passion for
Los Angeles.

Dickies Partners with Estevan Oriol Drops Capsule Collection and Celebrates Release Party

The Pomonan News
Published 8/3/2022 7am PST

Estevan Oriol, a well-known photographer who has photographed the Chicano gang life and celebrities such as Robert Dinero and Al Pacino, is currently working with the Dickies brand to capture the essence of the streets.

Estevan Oriol has collaborated with Dickies on a unique capsule collection, which highlights Chicano culture and focuses on LA's Lowriding subculture. The 12-piece collection combines Dickies' classic workplace designs with Oriol's distinctive street edge. It consists mainly of the Indigo Denim Bib Overalls, the Original 874 Twill Work Pants the LA Nights Long Sleeve T-Shirt.

The collection debuted at an exclusive, invitation-only event in Los Angeles, California.

Julian Lucas, is a photographer, creative strategist, and writer in training, but mostly a photographer. Julian also works as a housing specialist which, includes linking unhoused veterans to housing.

A 5-2 Vote is a Victory for Tenants Throughout the City of Pomona

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By Julian Lucas
Published 8/2/2022 6am PST

Pomona — Yesterday evening PUSH Coalition (Pomona United for Stable Housing) and Housing is A Human Right Organization in support of PUSH rallied in front of City Hall for rent stabilization in the city of Pomona. PUSH’s demanded that city council vote to cap rents at 3%. However, council voted in favor of a 4% increase 1 % percent less than the original proposed 5%. During a special meeting last week. Mayor Tim Sandoval mentioned people suffer from trauma, especially the youth of families who struggle pay their rent.

The eviction restriction for the state of California lifted on July 1, last month, after a two year moratorium. Although the moratorium expired, some tenants are protected, without rent increase burden in several counties, including Los Angeles County, but the protections are limited to low-income families.

After the rally, members of both organizations attended last nights city council meeting to weigh in during public comment. The final vote to increase rents resulted in a 4% increase with a 5-2 vote, Council member Torres and Ontiveros-Cole voting against the increase. The increase will go into effect immediately.

Julian Lucas, is a photographer, creative strategist, and writer in training, but mostly a photographer. Julian also works as a housing specialist which, includes linking unhoused veterans to housing.

Abortion Rights: Demonstrators Take to the Streets in Protest of SCOTUS Overturning Roe v. Wade

Text and Photo Essay by Julian Lucas
Published 11:43am PST

Yesterday the Supreme Court's ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade sparked hundreds of protests cascaded across the United States. In Los Angeles demonstrators took to the streets and shut down a portion of the 110 Fwy temporarily affecting traffic making their way to the 101/10 Fwy east interchange marching eastbound, eventually being met by LAPD in full riot gear. In the later evening, the protest led to multiple arrests after LAPD prompted a tactical response. The protesters faced-off with LAPD in response to police confronting and targeting protesters and journalists.

Roe v. Wade was a 1973 historical decision from the Supreme Court which allowed unrestricted abortion access throughout the country. The ruling's reversal has been questioned since a leaked draft opinion of the Supreme Court's likely judgment in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was released.

Julian Lucas, is a photographer, creative strategist, and writer in training, but mostly a photographer. Julian also works as a housing specialist which, includes linking unhoused veterans to housing.

The Inaugural Print Pomona Art Book Fair Will Open in Claremont, CA

The Pomonan
Published March 29,2022 5:50Am PST
Updated 3-31-22 4:49Am PST

Claremont, CA—The Benton Museum at Pomona College will host the inaugural Print Pomona Art Book Fair (PPABF) sponsored by The Arts Area on Saturday, April 2 and Sunday, April 3 at Pomona College’s Edmunds Ballroom in the Smith Campus Center. PPABF will bring up to 50 national and international publishers to the Pomona College campus for the first time, where they will be exhibiting artists’ books, art catalogues, photography monographs, drawings, zines, and other print material. The fair, which is free and open to the public, runs from 11 am to 7 pm on Saturday, April 3, and from 11 am to 5 pm on Sunday, April 3. PPABF steps into the breach left by the LA Art Book Fair, offering LA-area residents the opportunity to engage with avant-garde publishing, book art, and creative expression in print.

“As we all understand there are books about art and photography, but in this case, the book is the art because of how it is designed and constructed. In specific, a photo book is a distinct kind of art, analogous to sculpture, theater, or cinema. As part of a dramatic experience known as a book, the images no longer identifies as a photograph but objects in themselves and are turned into published work of art. So I am in a sense expanding the reach by introducing a new species to this region, founder and Project manager Julian Lucas describes. Julian also co-founded Mirrored Society Bookstore, an online bookstore specializing in artists’ books and zines which was physically nestled in Claremont, CA of 2015.

PPABF officially kicks off at the Benton Museum of Art at Pomona College on Thursday, March 31 a Q&A with the PPABF founder Julian Lucas about all things related to art books, publishing, and organizing the 1st-ever art book fair at the Claremont Colleges and in the region, the Benton will host an artist talk and book signing by internationally celebrated photographer and director—and one of Netflix’s LA OriginalsEstevan Oriol. These two events are also free and open to the public.

BREAKING NEWS: Ballot Initiative Aims to Increase Youth Funding in Pomona!

The Pomonan
Published February 8, 2021 8:50 Am PST

POMONA, CA - On Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 12pm community leaders will host a campaign kickoff event and present background, testimonies, and an overview on the effort to place the Pomona Kids First Initiative on the 2022 ballot. Earlier in the month, on February 2, 2022, community leaders visited Pomona City Hall to submit the Pomona Kids First Initiative. The Initiative is a unique measure that aims to meet the urgent needs of Pomona youth and their families as they continue to struggle through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Pomona Kids First Initiative would amend the City of Pomona Charter to create the Pomona Fund for Children and Youth (“Fund”), financed through the City of Pomona’s general purpose revenue and would also create the Department of Children and Families that would administer the Fund and ensure that the children, youth, and young adults of Pomona have the resources they need to thrive and excel. In the upcoming months, Pomona Kids First leaders will be working to collect signatures from Pomona voters to put this initiative on the 2022 Pomona City Election ballot. If approved by voters, the funds will be used for programs and services that promote health and well-being for Pomona families, provide youth development and leadership opportunities, offer alternatives to youth incarceration, and help strengthen Pomona’s families and communities.

At this time, Pomona does not provide significant funding for children and youth programs. In Fiscal Year 2020-21, during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, less than 1% of the City’s budget was allocated to special youth programming under the Neighborhood Services budget. In 2021-22, the line item was defunded by 100% midst the pandemic, and no longer exists as part of the city budget. Given the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the stability of youth’s mental, physical, and emotional wellness, now more than ever, youth need structural support from their city. This newly created Fund represents an exciting new opportunity to provide increased and dedicated funding for programs and services that address the needs of Pomona’s children, youth, and young adults.

WHO: Pomona Kids First is a community-led emergency response to the public health and economic crisis impacting our kids and families.

● Youth
● Parents
● Community members

WHAT: A presentation that will provide background, testimonies, and an overview on the effort to place the Pomona Kids First Initiative on the 2022 ballot.

WHEN: Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 12pm to 1:30pm

WHERE: Tony Cerda Park
400 West Grand Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766

VISUALS: Youth, speeches, parents, families

Pomona Kids First is a community-led emergency response to the public health and economic crisis impacting our kids and families. The initiative was inspired by the multi-year effort of youth organizers to increase city funding for kids in Pomona. Pomona Kids First is led by Pomona youth, longtime Pomona residents, and community members. Their work is inspired and informed by the efforts of Pomona youth and families coming together to improve the wellbeing of all Pomona’s children. If you want to learn more and support this initiative, visit

La Verne Protests the States Proposal of Transferring Older Juvenile Offenders

Text & Photography Julian Lucas
Published December 20, 2021 7:47am

Over the weekend, two corner streets in La Verne were filled with angry residents protesting the state's proposal to transfer juvenile offenders who have committed more serious crimes to a county-run camp on Stephens Ranch Road. The facilities Camps Paige and Afflerbaugh presently house low-level offenders.

Although the permanent site hasn’t been approved by the probation oversight board, according to the commission, it will be receiving considerable security modifications. The county-run facilities will offer a less prison-like or institutionalized-style environment, and will contribute to rehabilitation. 

La Verne’s Mayor Tim Hepburn said he will “continue to support concerned residents and fight” to keep the level 4 facility out of the city. He also said, 

”They don’t need to be next to our homes, send them all to the desert!” 

 ”They need to build more prisons!” Some residents shouted.

The truth is that not all current institutions have the infrastructure or processes in place to deliver the "least restrictive acceptable environment" needed under SB 823 at the county level. Again, this setting would be as punishment-free as possible while still being suitable and safe for the youth, staff, and community.

A Glendora resident, who attended in support of the La Verne community, directed her frustrations at Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon. She said she was there to “send Gascon a message.” She stated, “You cannot reimagine crime, rape, murder, arson and other things that hurts our family. Gascon should be working on reimagining family values.  (Listen Below)

When District Attorney George Gascon was running for election in Los Angeles he vowed to stop the prosecution of youth as adults in November of 2020, during his race against Jackie Lacey who was the current DA. Senate Bill 823 was actually introduced at the beginning of 2020 on January 10, 2020. Gascon didn’t take office in December 2020. History SB 823

In 2020, California passed SB 823 / AB 1868, which will eventually do away with California's Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) in favor of providing funding to counties for supervision and service delivery to youth in trouble with the law. Presently, 58 counties must now select a local facility to house young offenders who would previously be taken to a state youth prison.

Historically, there were approximately 10,000 children were incarcerated in state juvenile facilities in California in 1996. By the end of 2019, the number had dropped to around 750. Black and Latino youth make up the disproportionate amount of the states’ institutions, accounting for 88 percent of all youth offenders in 2020. As of October 2021, there are around 700 adolescents jailed in California.


Julian Lucas, is fine art photographer, photojournalist, and creative strategist. Julian also works as a housing specialist which, includes linking homeless veterans to housing.

I Hung Out with Nude Cyclists at the World Naked Bike Ride in Los Angeles Over the Weekend and Took a Plethora of Photos (NSFW)

The World Naked Bike Ride Los Angeles made a triumphant comeback to the city of Angels on a morning of overcast, to something more than simply being nude. (NSFW)

This Article Contains Nudity. If you have a Problem with nudity, keep click away and go for a walk.

The Private Prisons: Re-Entry Program Keeping a Low Profile

In 1865, at the end of the Civil War, the U.S. Senate passed the 13th amendment. Under its terms, slavery was not abolished, it was merely reformed. Anybody convicted of a crime after 1865 could be leased out by the state to private corporations who would extract their labor for little or no pay.  According to the Harvard International Review, in some ways this created worse conditions than under the days of slavery, as private corporations were under no obligation to care for their forced laborers – they provided no healthcare, nutritious food or clothing to the individuals they were exploiting. 

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Private prisons have been in existence for the last 38 years. The privatization of prisons came in  with Reagan’s ‘War on Drugs  in 1984. Because his WOD included harsher sentencing incorporating mandatory minimum sentences, it fueled the rapid and sudden rise in prison populations. This expansion placed a burden on the state and its prisons became overcrowded. In answer to this problem, for-profit private prisons sprang up in many states in the U.S.

Between 1980 and 2013, the total number of federal inmates increased by 800 percent, according to the Bureau of Prisons. This increase far exceeded the Bureau of Prisons' capacity, and privately-run correctional institutions stepped in to house and absorb the overflow of convicted persons. Even so, by 2013, both federal and private prisons became over-populated with about 30,000 inmates in a privately-run prison.

The federal Bureau of Prisons said then [name date] that approximately 195,000 people were incarcerated in the bureau's or private-contract facilities. Today, [name date] there are nearly 152,000 people incarcerated federally, with 14,000 housed at privately-managed facilities, according to The Associated Press. citation???

In 2019, private prisons in the United States imprisoned 115,428 individuals, accounting for 8% of the total state and federal prison population. The number of individuals held in private prisons has grown by 32% in the last 21 years,, compared to a 3% growth in the general jail population. 

However, this is due to change. At the beginning of this year, President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order that will begin to phase out the Department of Justice’s use of private prisons.

This Executive Order mirrored efforts to disband private prisons in the Obama era, but Obama’s policy was cancelled by the Trump administration in 2017. Biden’s Executive Order went further than Obama’s by applying the Executive Order to the U.S. Marshall Service as well.

As a result of Biden’s Executive Order, private prisons, including Geo Group and CoreCivic have both experienced serious drops in investors. When the President announced his intention, stocks for both companies fell dramatically. While Geo Groups fell 55% in 2021, CoreCivic fell 61% during the same time period.

Private prisons pose a Constitutional problem for the U.S. Since the U.S. and state governments are entirely responsible for incarceration, benefiting from mass incarceration is prohibited by the United States Constitution. The government is the only entity that has the authority to contract private prisons. Prison corporations spend millions of dollars on lobbyists and political candidates to promote their industry, advocating for harsh sentencing policies and opposing criminal justice reforms (including legislation that would subject prison corporations to public information laws).


Geo Group, nestled in the city of Pomona, California a series of questions regarding funding, length of time Geo Group has operated in Pomona, corporate structure, partnerships with any local agencies, and the reason why there was no visible company signage. Vice President of Communication, Monica Hook only answered one of my questions, which was the length of time the re-entry program has been open. Ms Hook declined to answer all other questions and provided me with a general description of the reentry program which can also be found on GEO Group’s Website:

“The Pomona Day Reporting Center (DRC) opened in 2013 in partnership with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). CDCR Parole Agents assign moderate to high-risk parolees to the DRC for evidence-based programming and services to assist them with long-term behavior change. Our programs are located in communities where they are most needed and offer a cognitive behavioral change curriculum focused on meeting each participant's risks and needs.

“Through the assessment-based program, participants learn the life skills and coping mechanisms needed to successfully reintegrate into their communities and reduce the likelihood of returning to the criminal justice system. The center offers extensive reentry services designed to provide each participant with the necessary tools to establish a positive lifestyle, take responsibility, and become self-sufficient. At the Pomona DRC, community connections play an important role in helping participants search for jobs or identify community support for a productive reentry. Programming includes substance abuse treatment, anger management, parenting skills, and additional services to promote a pro-social lifestyle in a safe and secure environment.”
